
A Note from a Donor:

“I see a lot of love-of-animals as the common denominator (for the most part) within that rescue community. That much is apparent.

What may not be readily apparent, and to what I refer, is that each and every one of the animals you rescue, you immerse yourself into their very being – and allow them each and all of them to do the same of you.

Maybe I am naïve, and don’t see this is common, but to each and every one of those animals, you give them attention as though they are the only one on the planet, at that moment.

They aren’t just a number…or a cage/kennel number. You give them personality to any reader… You don’t list them as “so-and-so breed, 2 years old, needs home…” It’s more that you are asking someone to: “welcome “Queen”, a downtrodden 2-year-old lab-mix to share life’s adventures with you…” The love that each one of those dogs and cats absorbs into their bodies and minds when you are bidding each one goodbye, is the trick, I think, to your successful placement, and I think that you leave each other with a piece of the other’s soul at the time of separation. I, for one, admire the love I see and feel transferring between you and your subject, every time I see a photo, here, of your “last night with ‘insert name here'”. Keep making them feel loved and giving them hope – and doing so, wholeheartedly, sincerely and “of and for the individual”… it has not gone unnoticed.”

—Mike | September 29, 2013

Other Reviews:

“Rosey, thank you for helping my daughter Lindsay with Leashes of Love this past weekend. She was so worried about that kitty. She is a hard worker but says you work even harder. May you be richly blessed for your compassionate heart.”

—Lindsay’s Mom, Cynthia | April 4, 2018