Luna Belle passed away January 2020 before her 3rd birthday due to unfortunate circumstances. We miss her so much and are so grateful she was a part of our lives.
Luna Belle, a 2 year old American Bulldog, was dumped in a church yard at 3 months old, July 2017, with a broken back and demodex mange, starved near to death. Nursed back to health, we noticed she was extremely flat footed and instead of walking on her paws, she was using her paw and legs all the way to the elbow. With some hydrotherapy, she improved walking on her paws, but we noticed she was hunched over. After getting x-rays, we found her back was broken in 2 places and she will eventually become paralyzed. She wasn’t able to find a forever home. So she gets to stay here to live out her life because no one want to adopt a dog that walks funny and will eventually become paralyzed. We even built her a handicap ramp for the day she will need a wheelchair. Luna Belle, the sweetest puppy you will EVER meet. She is amazing and just watching her “be a dog” is so rewarding, when we know it won’t be for long. She wants to do all the things the other dogs do, and tries to keep up, but she is declining. She’s a trooper and she just wants to be like all the other dogs, so every night I pick her up and put her on the bed with the other dogs. No one wanted her, no rescue would help her, so she will remain here until her life is over. We don’t mind she walks funny or that she drags herself across the floor. We will let her just be “a dog” and enjoy watching her blossom.